Lifting up children and their families through compassionate care and intentional practices.
Currently offering group classes and individual home environment consultations for your 0-3 year old via video chat. Resources and strategies available for every budget. Reach out for a free 15-minute informational chat to see if it’s the right fit for your family.

*All Services are offered remotely via Zoom, Facetime, or Google Hangouts until further notice. A small selection of services is listed below. Please see Services page for other available products, including nanny coaching and access to The Course!
Home Environment consulting
Wondering how to create an intentional, educational Montessori-inspired home environment? Let’s look at your space together and discuss how to support your little one as they transition to independence!
Nanny Hiring support
Parents: Let’s talk through your hopes for child care and together we can develop a list of interview questions for prospective nannies, pod teachers, or group care centers.
Professional nannies - let’s chat to help prepare your interview so you can find the right family for you!
Remote Birth Doula Support
Let’s develop your birth plan and talk through your hopes, concerns, and plans for your hospital, birth center, or home birth. We can talk about what questions to address at midwifery/OB appointments, and how to plan for new COVID requirements in the birthing space.
Remote Post-Partum Support
Let’s talk through your birth experience, breastfeeding, sleep, shared partnership responsibilities, and any concerns you may have. I will pool and share resources for anything we can’t get through together, or at your request.
“Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence.”
― Dr. Maria Montessori